Subject: Re: tarfile/sup inconsistency
To: David Brownlee <>
From: Perry E. Metzger <>
List: current-users
Date: 04/18/1996 09:59:04
David Brownlee writes:
> The tarfiles contain the CVS directories, but the sup
> distributions do not appear to. If you 'kickstart' sup by
> pulling down a tarfile then sup will be unable to delete any
> directories as the will always have a 'CVS' subdir.
> Is it possible to make the tarfiles either not include the CVS
> subdirs, or for the sup to include them?
For some of us, having the CVS subdirs is very useful. If you want to
"kickstart" sup, why don't you just do a
find . -name CVS -exec rm -rf {} \;
in /usr/src?
> Also - can the script that creates the 'src' tarfiles _please_
> copy the /usr/src/Makefile into the same directory so when people
> pull down the entire directory they get everything they need!!??
That is indeed a legitimate problem.