Subject: Re: Sparc/ELC's SLC's for sale
To: None <,>
From: Greg Earle <earle@isolar.Tujunga.CA.US>
List: current-users
Date: 03/31/1996 11:23:28
> On Mar 29, 1:30pm, (Jim Wise) wrote:
> -- Subject: Re: Sparc/ELC's SLC's for sale
>> At 4:40 PM 3/28/96, Christos Zoulas wrote:
>>> I have 8-10 ELC's and 2 SLC's with 16Mb each that are just taking space
>>> in our inventory room, and space in New York is expensive. They are all
>>> in working order. I cannot just give them away, but I can take
>>> reasonable offers (I consider around $500+shipping reasonable).
>> Tell me more about these machines?
> These come with a built-in monochrome monitor. They are SS1+ class machines.
SLC's are 20 MHz SPARCs, i.e. SS1 class machines.
ELC's are 33 MHz SPARCs, i.e. about half-way between an SS1+ and an SS2.
> Something like a 486/33+ ...
Or, something like a 486DX/33 in integer performance, and a turbo-486DX/33
in floating point ...
******** TABLE 2: SPECint92, SPECFP92 ********
System CPU ClkMHz Cache SPEC SPEC Info Source
Name Type ext/in Ext+I/D 92Int 92 FP Date Obtained
------------ --------- ------ ------------ ----- ----- ----- -----------------
Compaq Dkpro 80486DX 33 128+8 18.2 8.3 Sep92 SPEC newsletter
Sun SS ELC SP/FuWe 33 64 18.2 17.9 Nov92 Sunflash
******** TABLE 3: integer/FP SPECrate92 ********
System CPU ClkMHz Cache SRate SRate Info Source
Name Type ext/in Ext+I/D Int FP Date Obtained
------------ --------- ------ ------------ ------ ------ ----- ---------------
Compaq Dkpro 80486DX 33 128+8 432c 197c Sep92 SPEC newsltr
Sun SS ELC SP/FuWe 33 64 432 425 Nov92 Sunflash
I would note that as someone who sits here in front of a 20 MHz SPARC clone
with only 24 Mb of RAM, you do *not* want to sit in front of a 16 Mb SLC
unless you only want to use it as a diskless X terminal (cf. recent posts to
port-sparc concerning SLC SCSI troubles) or you have a *lot* of patience ...
(But do make Christos a reasonable offer for the ELCs.)
I still remember when an ELC seemed "damned fast",
- Greg