Subject: Re: Here comes the Suns
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jari Kokko <>
List: current-users
Date: 03/22/1996 12:28:25
>I also
> noticed some diagnostic leds on the back, and a switch that can be set =
> to norm or diag, so I played with that, but the LEDs do the same
> thing each way. They seem to be counting singly from right to left, =
> then the first (left) led and the last three stay on.
You need 9x1mbit SIMMs, 9-chip ones that is. The led pattern is
probably memory error. See HW ref below.
Everyone with a 3/60 here's some URL's for you:
Sun3 Archive
The NetBSD Project
Sun HW ref
Sun 3/60 Info
Jari Kokko