Subject: Re: netbsd coypright status?
To: Peter Seebach <>
From: UNIX hacker and security officer <>
List: current-users
Date: 02/12/1996 09:37:31
Peter Seebach sez:
 * I heard a rumor, ages ago, that the regents released the 4.4 code into
 * the public domain.  Is this true?

No.  This is NOT the case.  The code is not in the public domain, i.e.,
the regents could rescind the copyright at any time, and from that date
forward we could be denied the right to release the software.  The
copyright DOES state that we can do what we want with the code including
{sell,modify,make {object,executable}-only binaries from} it so long as the
responsible parties are given credit for the code so, while it is not
exactly public domain, the only stipulation is the one I mentioned
above, and I don't see that happening any time soon, seeing as the
Regents fought for the rights to redistribute the code.

 * In either case, what's the copyright status of the NetBSD source?

It's pretty lax; it falls under what I'd call "common courtesy".


"Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards
 -- it makes them soggy and hard to light."	-- unknown