Subject: Re: Memory leak?
To: Brad Salai <>
From: None <>
List: current-users
Date: 02/11/1996 21:57:48
> > > FreeBSD has a solution to the VM system problem. But they don't have
> > > a "perfect" solution, so there is no big movement to move their code
> > > over to here.
> >
> >What do you consider a "big movement"? 10 people quitting their day
> >jobs, giving up being with their family/friends/SOs in their spare time?
> WOW, would you really do this? That would get things going in a hurry.
> Could those of us who don't do anything but gripe send a pizza to your car
> (You would have to move out of your house, right) once in a while? Just
> post your license number and what toppings you like to the list, and get to
> work. ;-)
> >
> >Someone is working on porting FreeBSD's VM. but, again, he's a volunteer
> >who doesn it in his spare time, and isn't making a lot of noise about it.
> >
> >Overall, I think statements like these only really serve to make people
> >defensive. I know how hard I work on NetBSD, and I know how hard others
> >work, too. I'm not trying to downplay your concerns or frustrations, but
> >please understand that statements like "nothing happens" and "no big
> >movement" and "core doesn't want problems solved" can be really
> >frustating at times ... sometimes more than a slightly broken VM subsystem.
> >
> As one of those who can't contribute directly, but don't have the time it
> takes to complain, Your efforts _are_ appreciated by most users.
> Thank you.
> Brad
I never said I didn't appreciate all of the work that goes on. I do,
very much so. I guess I mistook not "making a lot of noise about it"
for not having a "big movement". I apologize for my mistake.
I do appreciate all of the work going on. I do enjoy listening to
all of the people on these lists explain things that are (sometimes
way) over my head (at this point). I guess I just get frustrated when
things don't get fixed after a long while. (My threshold for this is
considerably higher than my frustration threshold for the NCSU
Computing Center. There I bitch LOUD if things don't get fixed in,
say, 3 months time. Which I've had to bitch about before).
It just goes to show that it doesn't do any good to complain about
something if you don't have a solution yourself.
I'm pretty busy myself. Last week I had 3 tests (I have 4 classes),
and several huge assignments. I'm still trying to dig myself out
of this backlog of work. Then I can get back to what I want to do,
which is work on a suite of system administration utilities a la
smit (with several enhancements include easy extensibility, and
also not taking the metal away from the superdude (that root guy).
Anyway, I apologize if I came about harsh. I didn't mean to, and
thanks for all of the hard work guys!
XCOMM --------------------------------------------------------
XCOMM Kevin P. Neal, Sophomore CSC/CPE
XCOMM North Carolina State University
XCOMM --------------------------------------------------------