Subject: Re: Memory leak?
To: Charles M. Hannum <>
From: Jason Downs <>
List: current-users
Date: 02/09/1996 13:01:26
In message <>,
	"Charles M. Hannum" writes:
>Expecting us to always do what you want is both 
>unrealistic and rude.

It's not that anyone is expecting `you' to do what `they' want, it's
more like some people are simply amazed by the fact that certain aspects
of the system have taken so many _years_ for someone to even consider
looking at, while other operating systems have not.

I don't think anyone wants `you' to do anything in a `wrong' fashion, they
just become disappointed when they see what they believe to be gaping
holes in the implementation of what's otherwise an excellent piece of

Coping with a bad hardware design should be viewed as a challenge to be
overcome, not avoided and dismissed.  And the last thing anyone should
suggest is to buy better hardware, which I've heard recited inummerable
times by many people.  For the most part, people will not accept that,
and will instead switch to an operating system that works with their
existing hardware.  (I, for instance, ran Linux until 1.1 came out,
because 1.0 didn't run well enough on my hardware.)

Just today I read jtc encourage people to evangelize about the positive
aspects of NetBSD.  `you' should keep in mind that encouraging that
attitude on the part of users cuts both ways.

Jason Downs  --> Free Software for a Free Internet <--

"Take away the right to say 'fuck' and you take away the right to say 'fuck
 the government.'"		-- Lenny Bruce (1923-1966)