Subject: Recursive grep (where is limfree definded?)
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Arthur Hoffmann <>
List: current-users
Date: 02/04/1996 11:07:58
Hi there,
I haven't followed this thread, so I'm sorry if I'm saying something
that is slightly off topic or has been mentioned already.

My problem with grep is with binary files:
I have build postgres on my system and can't get it to work due to a
longjmp botch. So I was recursively grepping the postgres tree ( I've
got a shell script for that) for longjmp. When grep enters the obj
directory it spits the dummy.

It gets to the following file:
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  10  9495705 Jan 29 17:32 postgres*

then it displays a few screens full of symbols and comes back with:

grep: memory exhausted

This I find very hard to believe, as I have 16M of physical memory and
78M swapspace.

There is nothing running but the Xserver and a few xterms.
pstat -s returns the following before the grep command:

Device      1K-blocks     Used    Avail Capacity  Type
/dev/sd2b       78072    14072    64000    18%    Interleaved


Arthur Hoffmann                       
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