Subject: Re: AFS server port to NetBSD
To: None <>
From: Michael Graff <>
List: current-users
Date: 02/01/1996 17:57:42
>BTW, does anybody know what ever happened to the CMU AFS source code?
>It was supposed to have a BSD style copyright on it....
>Brian looked all over and didn't find it. Where did it go, any
>pointers would be most helpful in helping Brian get a bit of a
>starting point on the stuff he hasn't gotten working on yet.

When I mailed CMU on this about, oh, 3 years ago, they claimed it was
an agreement between them and transarc to remove all known copies from
the net.  They couldn't revoke it from those who already have it, but
I never did find it.

Perhaps a posting on alt.sources.wanted?  Someone _must_ have it
somewhere, and I would love to see it.


Michael Graff <>        NetBSD is the way to go!
PGP key on a key-server near you!         Netshade the world!