Subject: Re: Trivia (NOT Re: NCR Driver Problems)
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Collatz.McRCIM.McGill.EDU>
List: current-users
Date: 01/29/1996 12:48:16
>>> But, doesn't it seem that 1983 is a little out-dated in terms of
>>> technology?
>> Yes. But that doesn't mean it's not in use. The Sun-3 I use as an
>> X terminal at home is a Sun-3/260 that was in regular service in
>> 1983.
*blush* True.
> Not to be a total anal-retentive I've-used-Suns-since-1983 weenie or
> anything, but the 3/260 didn't exist in 1983. The Sun-3/160 was
> introduced in 1985.
I was _sure_ was using that machine before I graduated (which was
summer '84), but upon going back to the paper trail, that machine was
bought in '85 (as a -3/160, actually; it was later upgraded).
Sorry about that. (I hate it when I drag out old memory and it turns
out to be wrong....)
> (Pulls out his "Sun-3 Architecture: A Sun Technical Report" - written
> by Andy Bechtolsheim and Michelle Arden - waxes nostalgic, etc. ... )
Does that describe the "sc" SCSI controller by any chance? :-)
der Mouse