Subject: Re: NEC-2Xc 7 disk cdrom changer and NEtBSD-1.1 -current
To: Michael L. VanLoon <>
From: Clarence W. Wilkerson <wilker@MATH.Purdue.EDU>
List: current-users
Date: 01/28/1996 22:08:13
I modified  scsiconf.c and cd.c a little and now the changer works
for me.
Here's the changes:

in cd.c:

#if  0
        {T_CDROM, T_REMOV, /* more luns */ 
         "PIONEER ", "CD-ROM DRM-600  ", ""}, 
/* CWW */
#if  1
        {T_CDROM, T_REMOV, /* more luns */ 
         "NRC     ", "CD-ROM MBR-7    ", ""}, 
        {T_CDROM, T_REMOV, /* more luns */ 
         "PIONEER ", "CD-ROM DRM-600  ", ""}, 

and over in scsiconf.c  I added the middle entry below:

        {T_CDROM, T_REMOV,
         "NEC     ", "CD-ROM DRIVE:841", "",     SDEV_NOLUNS},
         {T_CDROM, T_REMOV,
         "NRC     ", "CDROM  MBR-7    ", "",     SDEV_FORCELUNS},
         {T_CDROM, T_REMOV,
         "SONY    ", "CD-ROM CDU-541  ", "",     SDEV_NOLUNS},
These are for the -current sources.

Clarence Wilkerson      \ HomePage: 
Prof. of Math. (topology)\ Internet:
Dept. of Mathematics      \ Messages:   (317) 494-1903, FAX 494-0548
Purdue University,         \ Office:    (317) 494-1955 (voice)
W. Lafayette, Indiana 47907 \            Rm. 738 Math. Sci. Bldng.