Subject: sup flailing obscurely
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Gary Timuss <gtimuss@sirius.UVic.CA>
List: current-users
Date: 01/26/1996 18:44:25
SUMMARY: sup causes modem to hangup
I have been trying to get -current since January 7, but have come
across terrible problems.
I'm now running -current to August/95, and the same symptoms occur
with kernels from July, and January/96.
For a while near the beginning of January, sup would spin away for
hours, happily exchanging packets with, then complain
about the network read timeout error that others have referred to,
and stop. No files were ever updated, a "Requesting changes since
August 11 1995" message was printed, the packets would fly, but
nothing would really happen until the fatal error.
Now, however (and for the past two weeks or so), Strangeness has
taken over. I can communicate happily for hours on end with the net.
If I start a sup, though (to or,
things will proceed normialy for almost exactly 3-4 minutes,
the the tx/rx lights on my modem go idle for one minute, and
then the modem hangsup, and pppd dies.
I'd like to just update everything and hope it goes away, but I can't.
Ftp to also causes the hangup. I was able to
ftp kernel source for January/96 (through an intermediary host)
, compile that, but the same problem.
Any suggestions? I've been using a few different supfiles, but the one
that used to work is below, I'm calling sup -v -z supfile.
current release=include hostbase=/a/anon_ftp base=/usr prefi
x=/usr backup use-rel-suffix
current release=security hostbase=/a/anon_ftp base=/usr pref
ix=/usr backup use-rel-suffix
current release=doc hostbase=/a/anon_ftp base=/usr prefix=/u
sr backup use-rel-suffix
current release=othersrc hostbase=/a/anon_ftp base=/usr pref
ix=/usr backup use-rel-suffix
current release=ksrc-common hostbase=/a/anon_ftp base=/usr p
refix=/usr backup use-rel-suffix
current release=ksrc-i386 hostbase=/a/anon_ftp base=/usr pre
fix=/usr backup use-rel-suffix
current release=gnu hostbase=/a/anon_ftp base=/usr prefix=/u
sr backup use-rel-suffix
current release=games hostbase=/a/anon_ftp base=/usr prefix=
/usr backup use-rel-suffix
current release=src hostbase=/a/anon_ftp base=/usr prefix=/u
sr backup use-rel-suffix
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