Subject: longjmp broken! Postgres fails!
To: Arthur Hoffmann <>
From: 51482) < (Raymond A. Wiker>
List: current-users
Date: 01/25/1996 09:50:16
Arthur Hoffmann writes:
 > Hi
 > I have installed postgres on my NetBSD1.1-amiga. The compile went
 > quite well except for some minor problems.
 > The problem is when I want to initialise the postgres database I get
 > the following error message:
 > (the commands are done by the postgres user)
 > atze# initdb
 > WARN:fmgr_info: function 0: cache lookup failed
 > longjmp botch.
 > Illegal instruction - core dumped
 > initdb: could not create template database
 > initdb: cleaning up.

	For what it's worth: I've tried getting postgres95 to run on
my pc532, and also got a core dump - in my case the error message was
"illegal system call" or something similar. I suspect some sort a
stack trashage, but I haven't got round to do any debugging yet.
