Subject: Re: Recursive grep (where is limfree defined?)
To: der Mouse <mouse@Collatz.McRCIM.McGill.EDU>
From: Missing - presumed fed. <>
List: current-users
Date: 01/24/1996 14:43:26
#define AUTHOR "mouse@Collatz.McRCIM.McGill.EDU (der Mouse)"

[What bozo wrote this? :-)]:
 * > If you're going to port something, _port_ it.  Make it work
 * > EVERYwhere.
 * Heh.  Sit down at a VM/CMS machine and type ls.  Or a VMS box and type
 * any of the find commands that have been bantered about.
 * "EVERYwhere" just isn't possible.  One has to decide what degree of
 * portability one cares about.  Some people here don't seem to care about
 * anything but NetBSD/i386.  Others want code they can compile and run on
 * VMS and VxWorks and IRIX and MUSIC.  Most are somewhere in between.

I should probably have specified "EVERYwhere".  As in:

#define EVERYwhere "all UNIX and UNIX-like platforms"

Needless to say, VM/CMS, VMS and MUSIC do not qualify... :-)


#undef AUTHOR	/* "mouse@Collatz.McRCIM.McGill.EDU (der Mouse)" */

	"Did her eyes at the Turn of the Century tell me plainly
	 How we'll meet, how we'll love?  Oh, let life so transform me..."
		-- Anderson/Howe/White
  -> James Graham, Songwriter, Musician, Programmer and Hopeless Romantic <-