Subject: Re: NCR Driver Problems
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Christoph Badura <>
List: current-users
Date: 01/22/1996 21:20:00
Curt Sampson wrote:
>I did notice when I ran ncrstat that of all my drives (two Quantum
>Lightnings, a Sony CD-ROM and the HP) only the HP supported tags
>(up to 4). Oddly enough, though the same drive is running just fine
>on a NetBSD 1.1 machine with a Buslogic controller. Does the bt driver
>not support tagged command queuing? I notice that there's no mention
>at all of the word `tag' in the driver.

Neither the BusLogic driver nor the Adaptec drivers in NetBSD 1.1
support tagged command queueing.

The NCR driver doesn't support tagged command queueing either.  What
it does is to *invent* it's own tags in a, uhm, interesting manner for
devices that support tagged command queueing.

Why do you need tagged commands anyway?

Christoph Badura

You don't need to quote my .signature.  Everyone has seen it by now.
Besides, it doesn't add anything to the current thread.