Subject: Re: error in compile gcc 2.7.2 (i386)
To: None <>
From: Phil Nelson <>
List: current-users
Date: 01/05/1996 00:24:18
>When I tried to compile the gcc 2.7.2 (i386), I encountered the
>following problem. gnu.tar.gz (Jan 4, 96)
> ...

Yes, this will happen on most architectures on the first compile
of src/gnu/usr.bin/gcc/libgcc.  As was stated on this list before,
when you get to this error:
  1) install at least gcc, cpp and cc1
  2) go back and compile in src/gnu/usr.bin/gcc/ WITHOUT doing a "make clean"
  3) install everything in src/gnu/usr.bin/gcc

Phil Nelson