Subject: Re: xntpd
To: Thorsten Lockert <>
From: Tom I Helbekkmo <tih@Hamartun.Priv.NO>
List: current-users
Date: 01/03/1996 19:01:32
On Tue, 2 Jan 1996, Thorsten Lockert wrote:

> Considering that xntpd compiles out-of-the-box for NetBSD, I don't
> really see any reason for putting it into the source tree.  Far from
> everyone is interested in running it...

Unless you want to use the clk_rawdcf.c PARSE driver to read the PPS
signal from a cheap DCF77 receiver, level converted onto a serial
port, in which case you need to change the section for NetBSD in the
file include/ntp_machine.h to include


The bit of code that uses it is in xntpd/ntp_io.c, and this define
will cause it to set the serial port to be the controlling terminal
before doing a fcntl(fd, F_SETOWN, pid) on it.

But I certainly agree that it doesn't belong in the source tree.  It
is rather in the set of packages that ought to be on a NetBSD CD.

Tom Ivar Helbekkmo