Subject: Re: Updating /etc...
To: Ted Lemon <>
From: Randy Terbush <>
List: current-users
Date: 12/22/1995 08:02:50
> [Okay, before you /etc/rc vs. /etc/init.d flamers respond to this,
> please read it.   Please don't respond with something to the effect of
> ``I think that /etc/init.d is a better idea than /etc/rc, or vice
> versa''   We already know you think that.   Whichever opinion you
> hold, you're not wrong.   This is a matter of personal preference.
> There are advantages to both.   Now, back to our regularly sponsored
> programming.]

Seeing this plea for sane suggestions, I'll counter my previous flame
mail with a few....

1. This issue only matters if your application depends on certian
   system functions being present at the stage you fire off your
   startup script.

2. I agree that we should not add levels to init.

3. How about the following.

	/etc/rcdb	<-- directory to store these levels in
		/etc/rcdb/rc_sys	<-- system related startups
		/etc/rcdb/rc_net	<-- network related startups
		/etc/rcdb/rc_loc	<-- local startup scripts that
					    would have been just as
					    happy being stuck on the
					    end of rc.local

The contents of these startup directories should be obvious.
The name of the scripts perhaps, rc.yourapp

Still relatively simple. Perhaps there is another level that
someone needs to stick in there?