Subject: Re: upgrading src - what for ?
To: CHAN Yiu Wah <>
From: J.T. Conklin <>
List: current-users
Date: 09/27/1995 14:38:03
> I got a message as followings:-
> ===== mail start ===
> Updating src and othersrc trees:
> U doc/README.sup
> U src/bin/ls/ls.1
> U src/gnu/usr.bin/gcc2/cc1/Makefile
> .
> .
> ===== end of mail ===
> Can anyone tell me what this means and what should I do to corporate
> with it .

Those messages result from the sup/ftp server updating it's own sources from 
cvs repository.  If you use sup, those are the files that will be updated.
