Subject: HylaFax-v3.0p10 on netbsd
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Mark Garrett <>
List: current-users
Date: 09/25/1995 14:52:33
I'm working with Hylafax , if anybody has already done a port to netbsd please
let me know, it will save quite a bit of pain.
The code says (and even checks) that you have gcc-2.6.1 or greater.
Judging on what I have experiences so far its the updates to g++ that is the
requirment of the later version.
I will get there eventually the compiler errors are down to only a
few pages now :)
Any comments or suggestions most welcome, otherwise I will post the
patches to this list sometime in the distant future.
Mark :)
Just to clarify I'm using the netbsd gcc/g++ 2.4.5 compiler.
Mark Garrett email: Phone: +61 2 561 5255
Open Systems Consultant Disclaimer: I don't speak for
Digital Equipment Corporation Digital, I can barely speak for me.