Subject: Re: rcons
To: der Mouse <mouse@Collatz.McRCIM.McGill.EDU>
From: Ted Lemon <>
List: current-users
Date: 09/22/1995 18:21:13
> Or is someone upset at me and deliberately ignoring my PRs? I don't
> like to think it, but I'm beginning to have trouble finding any other
> plausible explanation...especially in view of how many utterly trivial
> "non-critical/low" PRs _are_ getting handled.
I can think of a number of explanations for that. Maybe your PRs are
assigned to a different person than the one that handled the
``non-critical/low'' PRs you're talking about. Or maybe the
``non-critical/low'' PRs were easier to handle than yours. Maybe
nobody has had time to look at them. Or possibly the person who
should be looking at them doesn't know about them (I did a bunch of
rcons hacking a while ago, and I don't know about your PRs).
One thing that you probably shouldn't attribute the slowness of
servicing of your PRs to is malice. NetBSD is a volunteer effort,
and sometimes we don't have time to tackle anything other than simple
problems. I haven't done a significant hack in about four months
because I've been so busy on three contracts that I have going. :'(