Subject: Re: Two things: i386 boot code and boot man page
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Collatz.McRCIM.McGill.EDU>
List: current-users
Date: 09/15/1995 06:50:38
>>> Note: This is i386-specific, though if other ports have managed a
>>> way around this conundrum, I'm open to suggestions.

>> On many other platforms, the boot command is stored in some form of
>> eprom.  On my sun4 platform, the 'eeprom' command would set the boot
>> command just fine.  I realize, however, that this doesn't help you.

I think the original question was asking about a
command-for-next-reboot, not a default-command-for-all-future-reboots.

> I honestly don't know where you'd put it except for the MBR, a
> predesignated sector on the boot device, or in swap (provided the
> boot routine knows how to get at swap before loading the kernel.

Well, the SPARC effectively hands it to the PROM callback function.
The PROM presumably stashes it in its private memory area until it
needs to drag it out again.

Of course, this assumes PROMs with some intelligence, which may be
difficult for some ports.

> The MBR could get tricky.

It also doesn't even exist on some ports - sparc and sun3, at least.

I don't think there is a good platform-independent solution.  (Even
_having_ software-specifiable reboot commands is platform-dependent.)
As such, perhaps this should be moved someplace other than
current-users?  Isn't there a tech-ports or some such, for porting
issues that affect multiple ports?  This seems like a good subject for
such a list.  Otherwise, it should probably go in the port-xxx list for
the port in question.

					der Mouse