Subject: Re: Exabyte 8200 anyone?
To: None <>
From: Jan-Hinrich Fessel <>
List: current-users
Date: 09/12/1995 08:21:44
In message <>you write:
->able to get it to run by experimenting with the eight dip switches
->on the daughter board within the 8200 unit. I bought the 8200 from
->a company called CSC. They never told me what the dip switches did
->cuz "its proprietary information". I can check what I have but I 
->suspect my 8200 EPROM is diffrent from yours and the switches may
->not have the same function. I hope this helps. 

This is described in the "EXB-8200 8mm Cartridge Tap Subsystem User's Manual", 
EXAByte part # 510006-005.

Basically there were two MX-Cads (level 1. part # 724021-xxx, level 

Since you do have DIP-Switches I assume you also have level 2 MX, and the 
switches are for bypassing memory POST, parity checking, even byte disconnect, 
no busy enable, variable block mode on power on, no disconnect during data 
transfer, reserved, PI cartridge mode (Internationa) resp.  Sorry, but 
Copyright laws prohibit a direct transcription of the relevant pages.


 					Tragbar ist, was nicht herunterfaellt.
