Subject: FYI: build problems I had with 9/4/95 sup
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Michael L. VanLoon -- <>
List: current-users
Date: 09/10/1995 21:05:48
I just updated to current from 1.0 this past week.  I ran my first sup
on a completely empty /usr/src on 9/4 (that's Sept. 4th for you Euro
types).  If you care, here are the problems I observed building my
entire /usr/src.

===> xlint
===> xlint/lint1
cc -O6 -m486 -pipe -I. -DXXX_BROKEN_GCC   -c cgram.c
cc   -o lint1 cgram.o scan.o mem1.o mem.o err.o main1.o decl.o tree.o func.o ini
t.o emit.o emit1.o -ll
main1.o: Undefined symbol `_yydebug' referenced from text segment

===> man/man4/man4.sun3
install -c -o bin -g bin -m 444 bwtwo.cat4 /usr/share/man/cat4/sun3/bwtwo.0
install: /usr/share/man/cat4/sun3/bwtwo.0: No such file or directory

===> man/man8/man8.sun3
install -c -o bin -g bin -m 444 makedev.cat8 /usr/share/man/cat8/sun3/makedev.0
install: /usr/share/man/cat8/sun3/makedev.0: No such file or directory

===> phantasia
./setup -m /usr/src/games/phantasia/monsters.asc
Error: Cannot create /var/games/phantasia/monsters.
/var/games/phantasia/monsters: No such file or directory

===> ispcvt
install -c -s -o bin -g bin -m 555  ispcvt /usr/sbin
install -c -o bin -g bin -m 444 ispcvt.cat1 /usr/local/man/cat1/ispcvt.0
install: ispcvt.cat1: No such file or directory

And, I got an error trying to build /usr/src/lib/libcrypt because
crypt.c didn't exist (it was /usr/src/domestic, of course).  Should
the build system try to build libcrypt out of /usr/src/lib if it's
going to live in /usr/src/domestic?  Should the build environment or
something just put a symlink that points /usr/src/lib/libcrypt to
/usr/src/domestic/libcrypt?  Maybe a README in the
/usr/src/lib/libcrypt directory?  I don't know the correct answer --
just trying to provide food for thought.

Overall, it was a very successful 1.0 -> current conversion.  If
anyone is keeping track of build problems, however, I thought these
might be helpful.

  Michael L. VanLoon                       
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