Subject: Re: -current binary snapshots, "virtual releases", etc.
To: None <,>
From: Mark Everett - Sun Parallel Open Systems <everettm@triesta.East.Sun.COM>
List: current-users
Date: 09/06/1995 11:27:10
> On Mon, 4 Sep 95 15:19:44 EDT Thor Lancelot Simon wrote:
> >
> > I don't see a whole lot of hits on the Wasabi FTP site. Is there
> > really that much demand for -current snapshots? Perhaps there should
> > be a pointer to us somewhere there's not, or something.
> I use them, but I'm also doing a device driver I'd liekto fly under
> 1.0 and current, so I'm doing most of the development under 1.0pl6.
> I must admit I want better support for the lame IDE disk I have tho
> (ie I'm really temepted to leap to current).
> I think wasabi isn't publicized enough for people to know about it.
> Perhaps it should be posted to c.u.b.n.announce?
I am a case in point. What is the address?