Subject: Re: detecting -current versions
To: NetBSD-current Users' List <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Brian R. Gaeke <>
List: current-users
Date: 09/03/1995 14:09:17
And then spake as follows:
> Suppose we come up with a scheme for doing Virtual Releases? (There's that
> V word :-) 
> Basically, as people do now, install sets can be prepared from sources 
> considered to be fairly stable as of a certain date. These sources get a
> virtual release tag (1.0V1 1.0V2 ??) which can be used to track feature 
> sets and bugs. 
> This makes it easier to say what sources someone needs to get the feature 
> set they want. We could also release patches and specify the ranges of
> virtual releases they apply to.

This would be really cool. I like this idea even better than giving each
day's sup a date-based version... heck, some of those aren't even usable.
But would this not violate core's policy of not giving out old sources
to 'just anyone(TM)'? Or might the rules be bent a little bit?

virtually, (retch, retch -- better name for this. "Interim"?)

Brian Gaeke, The Dimensional Gate Company    Internet E-Mail: <>
DGate.ORG system adminstrator / PGP 2.6.2 public key available via finger
NetBSD/mac68k: Free UN*X for your Mac II.