Subject: Re: Comparison of OS for PC's
To: Iain Hibbert <>
From: Aleksi Suhonen <>
List: current-users
Date: 09/02/1995 19:05:59
In message
Iain Hibbert mentioned this
}-this binary compatibility thing.. something that I found a while ago
}-was a paper by a french guy (I think) about something he called Semantic
}-Dictionary Encoding - basically, it is code generation at load time,
}-the compiler or whatever just creates a description of the algorithm
}-and the loader generates the code on the fly as it loads.. he had it
}-working on a Modula-2/Mac system and it seemed to give *faster* loading
}-times (the `executables' were much smaller..) than equivalent compiled
}-programs.. another advantage is of course, that the `executable' files
}-really are binary compatible across the range.. I have no doubt that
}-this would be an incredible amount of work to implement in NetBSD, but
}-would it be a desirable aim? I seem to have lost the reference by now
}-too, but I could probably hunt it down if anybody was interested..
Didn't (or rather "doesn't") TAOS have something like this too?
Aleksi Suhonen