Subject: Re: ZIP drives
To: Tom Pavel <pavel@MAILBOX.SLAC.Stanford.EDU>
From: Gregory Gillham <>
List: current-users
Date: 08/30/1995 08:11:05
> Speaking of ZIP drives, does anyone have a disktab entry for them (num
> cylinders, RPM, etc.)?
zipdrv|Iomega SCSI Zip Drive 100MB:\
	:dt=SCSI:ty=removeable:se#512:nt#64:ns#32:nc#96: \
	:pa#196608:oa#0:ta=4.2BSD:ba#8192:fa#1024: \
	:pc#196608:oc#0: \

Works for me but still may need something more.. if you updated it, let 
me know what you change so I can update my disktab -greg

Greg Gillham       
4704 SE 97th Ave
Portland, OR 97266 (USA)