Subject: anon-ftp problem on sun-lamp
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Ken Nakata <>
List: current-users
Date: 07/21/1995 08:38:06
I've been unable to anon-ftp to sun-lamp the last couple of days.
Whever I try to get in, I get:

530-Sorry, there are too many anonymous users using the system at this
530-time.  There is currently a limit of 12 anonymous users.

Frankly I can't believe that many users suddenly appeared and have
been staying on-line day and night for the last two or three days.
What's the problem?  Are there really 12 users?

BTW, I'm trying to upload a package of STk-2.1.7 for m68k8k that I
compiled on my NetBSD/mac68k box.


Ken Nakata <kenn@{eden,remus}>  | ""
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey |   for Logitech TrackMan/MouseMan
New Brunswick, New Jersey                   |        support for NetBSD/mac68k