Subject: Re: Problems with sparc -current (arp, sync)
To: Aaron Brown <>
From: Chris G Demetriou <Chris_G_Demetriou@BALVENIE.PDL.CS.CMU.EDU>
List: current-users
Date: 07/12/1995 13:10:32
> 1) I keep getting console messages that arplookup is unable to enter
> addresses, and that it can't allocate llinfo. Often, when rlogin'd, the
> machine will appear to freeze; it cannot be pinged at this point. Within
> a minute or less, though, it returns to life. There are other users and
> an essentially 0 load, so that's not it. While its frozen remotely, the
> console is fine. Here's the syslog excerpt:
> Jul 10 12:16:10 margo /netbsd: arplookup: unable to enter address for 8cf73c14
> Jul 10 12:19:10 margo /netbsd: arplookup: unable to enter address for 8cf73c29
> Jul 10 12:26:10 margo /netbsd: arplookup: unable to enter address for 8cf73c14
> Jul 10 12:29:11 margo /netbsd: arplookup: unable to enter address for 8cf73c29
> Jul 10 12:32:45 margo /netbsd: arpresolve: can't allocate llinfo
> Jul 10 12:32:52 margo last message repeated 13 times
> Jul 10 12:32:53 margo /netbsd: arpresolve: can't allocate
> llinfo<7>arpresolve: c
> This problem started when I rebuilt the binaries; the kernel worked fine
> with the Jun 19 snapshot binaries. Note that this problem does not exist
> under 4.4BSD on the same machine.
I noticed this this morning, on a freshly-built i386. shouldn't be
too hard to nail down; hopefully i'll figure it out some time this
evening (when i got back in to work 8-), unless somebody beats me to
people should feel free to try. 8-)
> 2) When I try to shutdown, halt, or reboot the machine, it panics on
> "DMAWAIT1" when it tries to sync the disks. This happens every time, even
> if I boot and immediately halt. Here's the panic:
this i can't help you with.