Subject: Re: Termcap/Termlib
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Christos Zoulas <>
List: current-users
Date: 07/02/1995 19:52:46
In article <Pine.SUN.3.91.950702193409.14816D-100000@euston> (David Brownlee) writes:
> I'm trying to get a program to compile under both solaris & netbsd,
> and I only want to support one of termcap/termlib. (I cant use solaris
> termcap because it dictates that I must link with -lucb (utterly
> completely broken) which is causing me more problms than enough...
> Is netbsd liable to get a termlib interface at any point? or does
> anyone know of a package I can use to get a termcap interface from
> a termlib library or vica versa?
> David
I don't understand what you mean by `a termlib interface'. Termcap and termlib
are supposed to provide the same interface [at the minimum termcap level at
least] which contains:
int tgetent __P((char *, char *));
char *tgetstr __P((char *, char **));
int tgetflag __P((char *));
int tgetnum __P((char *));
char *tgoto __P((char *, int, int));
char *tputs __P((char *, int, void (*)(int)));