Subject: Re: Trouble with PCI, VGA, 32Mbyte
To: Charles M. Hannum <>
From: Tobias Weingartner <weingart@austin.BrandonU.CA>
List: current-users
Date: 06/12/1995 10:17:35
In message <>, "Charles M. Hannum" writes:
> > While I'm thinking of it, does the FreeBSD scsi utility, or any other
> > SCSI utility, offer the ability to reformat drives with 1KB sectors?
> I don't have the spec right here. I think it amounts to (with the
> FreeBSD utility)
> scsi -f /dev/rsd0.ctl -e 3 -P 3 # Manually edit the format
> # device page to set sector size.
> scsi -f /dev/rsd0.ctl -c "4 0 0 0 0 0" # Format.
> "-P 3" select parameter set 3, the permanent ones.
> Careful readers will note that this interface really *sucks*, and it's
> very easy to do something completely different than you intended.
Hmm, but it offers great power to the people who are going to need it,
as well as little change needed when the specs are upgraded to SCSI-3, etc...
| Tobias Weingartner | Email: weingart@BrandonU.Ca | Need a Unix sys-admin? |
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