Subject: Diskless booting (was Re: Read only root)
To: der Mouse <mouse@Collatz.McRCIM.McGill.EDU>
From: Darren Reed <>
List: current-users
Date: 05/07/1995 01:01:11
In some email I received from der Mouse, they wrote:
> > How would you setup the hostname and other things like IP-address if
> > you share the /root with several machines?
> NetBSD diskless kernels come up already knowing their hostname and
> domainname, with their principal network interface configured enough to
> talk to their server, and knowing the server and path from which / is
> mounted.
> > bootp I guess?
> bootparams rather than bootp, but the differences are technical rather
> than philosophical.
On this, how hard would it be to make diskless booting use bootp or
even DHCP (depending on availability) ? Do we want to stick with bootp ?