Subject: Re: Perl 5.001 on NetBSD-current
To: Randy Terbush <>
From: matthew green <>
List: current-users
Date: 05/02/1995 12:05:47
   I would like to exchange notes with anyone who has compiled
   Perl 5.001 on NetBSD-current.
   I saw some discussion of this a week or two ago. I gleened
   from that discussion that there was a problem with Configure
   and have hand edited the resulting to properly
   choose the most current version of the shared libc.
   I am still encountering problems loading dynamic modules
   and would appreciate an exchange of experience.

you need to compile and install the current  this lives in

please let me know of any more problems you have, and make sure you've
got the patches up to 1e for 5.001 (
has them).
