Subject: Re: Questions about features of NetBSD
To: None <, current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Henry G. Juengst, PIB <>
List: current-users
Date: 04/16/1995 00:04:04
> Hi Henry,
> > And what's about real broadcast messages ? I hate it if any silly
> > program like "write", "comsat", "talk" etc. writes into my tty device,
> > especially when I am using a text editor.
> use "mesg n".
Thanks. Why should I disable messages ??? I *want* to see them, but not
between the text which I am currently editing (in an editor, a shell or
any other application).
> You can even do of the same effect in .exrc to prevent the vi
> screen of getting messed up.
rm -f `find / -name vi`
> You don't have such problems, of course, with X Window System.
One more window just to get messages... :-( And how many windows should I
create if I work on let's say 3 different machines ? You realy should have
a look into VMS ! Broadcast messages in VMS can be handled by applications
via trap, are separated into different classes, can be enabled or disabled
for each class and can be sent cluster (~domain) wide.
> Regards,
> Ignatios
> Ignatios Souvatzis