Subject: Re: Questions about features of NetBSD
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Ernst J. du Toit <>
List: current-users
Date: 04/12/1995 08:07:54
> On Mon, 10 Apr 1995 13:02:18 -0400 
>  der Mouse <mouse@Collatz.McRCIM.McGill.EDU> wrote:
>  > You did say "isa".  If you mean the bus used in many x86 family
>  > machines, you should probably take it to port-i386 rather than
>  > current-users.  Machine independence is relative; in the context of
>  > current-users, nothing x86-specific can be machine independent.
>  > 
> Not necessarily...The i386-family isn't the *only* machine out there with 
> ISA...Otherwise, why would there be `/sys/dev/isa' ? (or eisa, or pci...)
Well, I DO have this TATUNG MARINER Sparc clone machine that runs SunOS
4.1 of an Adaptec 1542B on an ISA bus... Yes I know, shudder, you should
see that disk preformance :-) Anyway I'd LOVE to see NetBSD support this
'thing' its due for retirement this year and I can sure use it longer if

Ernst J. du Toit (TED5)           Internet:
School of Electrical Engineering  BELTEL  : 175250 / Amateur Radio: ZR1ABB
Cape Technikon		          Voice: +27 21 460 3911 / Fax: +27 21 45 4161 
South Africa			  /* Hackers do it with bytes and nybbles ! */