Subject: Re: Questions about features of NetBSD
To: None <mouse@Collatz.McRCIM.McGill.EDU>
From: Charles M. Hannum <>
List: current-users
Date: 04/10/1995 13:49:18
   How can such a thing exist?  Graphics hardware is _always_ machine

Ignoring for a moment the fact that he wrote `isa', a large portion of
the general terminal emulation and graphics interfaces can be made
machine-independent.  This is a good thing to do, and I'd certainly
like to see it done, but I haven't had the time.

   You would have to special-case every port to know about every other
   port's disk labeling schemes.

Or make the disk labelling code machine-independent and allow all of
the formats to be read by any kernel.  This is also a good thing to
do, and I've harped about it a little bit myself.

I think either of those would make good projects for someone who wants
to contribute something.  <hint, hint>  B-)