Subject: another simple mh patch; slocal
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: matthew green <>
List: current-users
Date: 03/06/1995 22:15:23
this very small patch to the mh 6.8.3 source makes slocal do the
berkeley .db files properly, for the handling of multiple copies
of the same message. you still require the other patch i posted
here in mid june of 1994 to get the rest of it to work (ie, check
the archives).
*** 1.1 Wed Dec 1 15:01:38 1993
--- mh/uip/slocal.c Mon Mar 6 21:31:44 1995
*** 379,385 ****
--- 379,389 ----
#ifdef MSGID
struct stat st;
+ #ifdef BSD44
+ if (stat (".maildelivery.db", &st) != NOTOK
+ #else
if (stat (".maildelivery.pag", &st) != NOTOK
+ #endif
&& check_msgid (fd, ".maildelivery") == DONE)
return OK;