Subject: Re: 1.0 Binary XFree86-3.1 Keyboard Problem?
To: Charles M. Hannum <>
From: Markus Illenseer <markus@TechFak.Uni-Bielefeld.DE>
List: current-users
Date: 02/12/1995 23:18:54
On Feb 10,  7:10am, "Charles M. Hannum" wrote:
> Subject: Re: 1.0 Binary XFree86-3.1 Keyboard Problem?
>    Perhaps someone with more information can comment on the patch
>    level of the XF86 binary portion of the Walnut Creek CDROM.
> I, for one, wasn't even aware that WC was distributing NetBSD.  Given
> certain statements by WC employees in the past, this frankly surprises
> the Hell out of me, and I would personally recommend against buying a
> CD from them.

 Dunno. But I have the InfoMagic BSDisc, and it does include complete
XFree86. I cannot test/run it though - wrong architecture, and I dont
know offhand if it is a binary-distribution.

Markus Illenseer