Subject: a few problems in -current 1994-12-28
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Alan Barrett <>
List: current-users
Date: 12/28/1994 20:48:53
usr.bin/true/ contains "echo 0" where it should have "exit 0".

usr.bin/false/ contains "echo 1" where it should have "exit 1".

The rules for "maninstall" in share/mk/ attempt to do the
MLINKS stuff before the MANALL stuff, but the MLINKS stuff should really
be done after the MANALL stuff.  I made the following change to my copy

Index: share/mk/
--- /usr/src/share/mk/	Fri Dec 23 13:22:00 1994
+++ /usr/share/mk/	Wed Dec 28 20:31:05 1994
@@ -22,7 +22,8 @@
 MINSTALL=	install ${COPY} -o ${MANOWN} -g ${MANGRP} -m ${MANMODE}
+maninstall: manmaininstall
 .if defined(MANALL)
 	@for page in ${MANALL}; do \
 		dir=${DESTDIR}${MANDIR}`expr $$page : '.*\.cat\([1-8]\)'`; \
@@ -33,7 +34,7 @@
 .if defined(MLINKS) && !empty(MLINKS)
-maninstall: manlinkinstall
+maninstall: manmaininstall manlinkinstall
 	@set ${MLINKS}; \
 	while test $$# -ge 2; do \

--apb (Alan Barrett)