Subject: Re: C vs. prototypes (was: Problems with gdb under NetBSD 1.0 )
To: Greg A. Woods <>
From: John Nemeth <>
List: current-users
Date: 12/16/1994 02:24:04
On Dec 15, 12:34pm, Greg A. Woods wrote:
} Subject: Re: C vs. prototypes (was: Problems with gdb under NetBSD 1.0 )
} [ On Wed, December 14, 1994 at 22:11:36 (-0800), John Nemeth wrote: ]
} This can be avoided -- I've a sysdep.h file that I've used to write
} portable K&R C, while still using void in my code (and using manifests

     'void' isn't the problem (just about all K&R compilers support
the void return type), it's 'void *' that's the problem.

} > the second for external consistency problems.  Does anybody know of a
} > decent free version of lint?
} IMHO, NetBSD isn't a great UNIX-like development platform until we can
} include a lint on it!

     Yes, this would definitely be nice.

} >      I'd rather ditch ANSI C, and Hungarian notation (but that's a
} Too bad POSIX sorta requires ANSI C.  We wouldn't need weak references
} otherwise either!

     Just ask me how I care about namespace pollution.  And, POSIX for
that matter.

}-- End of excerpt from Greg A. Woods