Subject: nfs lockups
To: None <>
From: Robert Dobbs <>
List: current-users
Date: 12/10/1994 01:45:45
Situation: NetBSD <--NFS--> NetBSD, both machines i386 with current kernels.

due to a flaky machine, nfs fails sometimes on the nfs server.

this causes the client machine, which is otherwise running fine, to
lock up anything accessing the nfs mount (df, cd to the mount, ls, etc)

I added -s to my fstab file to attempt a soft mount (whatever happened to
"rw,soft"?) 	atrium:/usr/obj /usr/obj nfs rw,-s 0 0
But this appears to have no effect, as df still locks solid on the disk
access.  Is the "rw,-s" line still incorrect for softmounting, or is 
there some other problem here?  
