Subject: Re: benchmarks... (was: Re: More on UFS performance)
To: None <mouse@Collatz.McRCIM.McGill.EDU>
From: Phil Nelson <>
List: current-users
Date: 12/05/1994 10:40:54
>I'd like to...but how? I have gotten the feeling that there is no
>functioning back-channel for contributing stuff. Specifically,
> ....
I can understand this from both sides ... I have contributed some some
stuff, or at least said I had it, and it never got put in the tree.
(It was low priority stuff.) Also, being a port master, I have
received kernel patches that still do not show up in the -current
stuff for the pc532. Part of the problem is time to verify that
things work correctly. I just got bit by not verifying a patch sent
to me. (Not a major problem, but it still was a bug that made me
think my hardware failed.)
So, please keep sending stuff to "us". It may take a while for it to
appear due to several reasons, but (at least for me) I do like getting
stuff and it does help. I do try to say "thanks, and it may not show
up for a while".
Keep up the good work all around.