Subject: Re: Mach32 server hangs on NetBSD-1.0beta
To: None <>
From: Tsuyoshi TADA <>
List: current-users
Date: 11/30/1994 11:33:17
> > > I'm having some problems with the XFree86 3.1 Mach32 server under
> > > NetBSD-1.0beta (not the newly released 1.0). The OS is maybe a few days
> > > more recent than the distributed XFree86 release.
> >
> >I can't help you specifically other than to give you a 'It works for me'
> >type response... I'm running:
> >
> >NetBSD 1.0_BETA (SIDNEY) #16: Tue Oct 25 15:54:02 MDT 1994
> >
> >and the Mach32 server with a generic Mach32 board and am experiencing NO
> >problems.
> Again, another "me too" message. I've been using a Mach32 board for quite a
> while (though only the last month or so with XFree86 3.1) under 1.0_BETA and
> 1.0, and I don't have any problems.
> One note: I don't use the aperture driver. I have securelevel set to -1
> instead. That may or may not be a factor.
Yet another "me too" message. I have no problems with the Mach32 X
server (XFree86 3.1) under NetBSD 1.0 with the aperture driver.
Tsuyoshi TADA E-Mail:
Advanced Analysis Technology Gr.
Ship & Offshore Eng. Dept., IHI