Subject: timeout updating leds
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Aman Sinha <>
List: current-users
Date: 10/16/1994 22:43:59
I am running NetBSD-1.0B ( Aug 1 binaries) on a 90MHz Pentium , having a 
Mach64 card. I am using xf-3.1(Sep 27 binaries), with the generic SVGA
server, which provides unaccelerated support for Mach64(accelerated support
does not exist as of now). At random intervals, I get the message
'pc:timeout updating leds' on my X console screen, after which the keyboard  
gets stuck. Killing the shell from a different machine does not help.
The only alternative is to reboot the machine. Has anyone seen this
problem before? Any clues?


Aman Sinha        				off:512-471-8011
ECE, University of Texas at Austin   		res:512-479-6546
        "Engineers do in a dime what fools do in a dollar"