Subject: Re: Rmail queues everything?
To: None <>
From: Mark P. Gooderum <>
List: current-users
Date: 09/26/1994 23:04:31
According to
> Why does the current source for rmail queue everything it sends through
> sendmail? i.e. it's passing -odq to sendmail which makes it queue
> incoming mail automatically.
> This has been around for a while (I can find it in original net2 source).
> but I finally got tired out of it and went looking. Is there any real
> reason to do this?
> ...
> Just looking for other people's thoughts on this.
> James
I can think of one. A non-queueing sendmail will attempt delivery
itself. This can hang if DNS will hang (for instance you dial up
part time to the net only, and other times, there is no root DNS
server reachable). This can be bad for something running out of
uucp. Also, on larger systems, an rmail to many recipients can take
time, esp. if the host is forwarding to others, and what if one of
those is down, etc, etc.
I ran into this, I just had my cron job run sendmail -q after UUCP
was finished (I ran uucico in the foreground, then ran sendmail -q).
Mark P. Gooderum USSnail: Good Creations
Senior Consultant - Operating Systems Group 3029 Blackstone Ave. So.
"Working hard to be hardly working..." St. Louis Park, MN 55416
EMail: Voice: (612) 922-3953
Interactive: Fax: (612) 922-2676