Subject: NetBSD-1.0/i386 install script
To: None <>
From: Noriyuki Soda <>
List: current-users
Date: 09/23/1994 02:44:06
I read latest NetBSD/i386 install script and install notes, and
noticed that install procedure is NOT easier than FreeBSD's one.
FreeBSD install script provides default value of disk geometry,
and executes BSD's fdisk program to create BSD DOS-partion.
Why don't you grab it from FreeBSD ? Both NetBSD and FreeBSD has
almost same `fdisk' program, so it must be easy, I think.
I also find typo in src/distrib/notes/i386/prep.
0xA5 is 165 in decimal :-)
-- Software Research Associates, Inc., Japan
(Noriyuki Soda) software tools and technology group