Subject: Re: HELP-- need i386 boot blocks
To: None <,>
From: Mark Weaver <>
List: current-users
Date: 07/29/1994 20:19:51
When I said "I can't boot a new kernel on an old fs" I meant to say
"with 0.9 bootblocks" (since my new kernel is compiled with DDB).

Charles -- This is not a bug report, it is a plea for help.  I'm
aware of the issues, and I know exactly what I need to get my system
back up and running.  I need the newest boot blocks.  After my system
is back up, then I will investigate why the GENERIC kernel won't boot
on my system.  Right now I can't even properly reply to mail without
bending over backwards.

Email:           | Brown University
PGP Key: finger       | Dept of Computer Science
