Subject: Re: fsck -c 2 , superblock etc.
To: Chris G. Demetriou <>
From: Michael Graff <>
List: current-users
Date: 06/28/1994 00:45:25
>I think it is; has _ANYONE_ been able to fsck -c 2 a wd drive?
>i know it's failed for the one (small) one that i have.

My roomate and I toasted his drives quite nicely.  We ended up newfs'ing them
on my box and restoring from a backup we made just before the fatal fsck.
Both are IDE drives.

All three partitions on my two SCSI drives went with little problem.


Michael Graff                 <>
1304 Florida #3               (515) 296-2735
Ames, IA  50014           PGP key on a server near YOU! 
