Subject: Re: Help with picking out a system
To: Missing - presumed fed. <>
From: Robert L. Shady <>
List: current-users
Date: 06/06/1994 20:27:52
>  * 3) Should we setup one "SERVER" that has all of the hard drive space, and
>  *    then mount it on each "DIALUP" machine?  This provides us an easy way
>  *    to allow users transparent access to their mail, etc.
> There is one inherent problem with this:  mail.  Mail uses file locking,
> and network file locking is, as anyone familiar with NFS will tell you,
> about as close to useless as you can achieve without actually being there.
> Entire mailboxes have been lost because of NFS file locking.

I know of several Sun's that are currently doing exactly this, is this just
a problem with our setup, or is there a "proper" way of doing this?

Ie: University of Michigan does this, Netcom does this, etc, etc...
