Subject: Two crashes in 20 minutes with 940427
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: current-users
Date: 04/28/1994 19:30:06
Twice in a row, telnetted in over a SLIP connection, I tried to start
the following two things in parallel:
1. cd /usr/src; make -k obj
2. ftping several large files to my computer
Both times, my machine crashed within 5 minutes. The first time, it
rebooted automatically (now that I have removed DDB). The second
time, it froze completely. Nothing was printed on console when I came
home, except for the frozen login prompt.
Actually, before the first of those two crashes, there was a semi-crash.
Suddenly, both of my two telnet sessions (from a Solaris machine to my
NetBSD machine) froze. I tried telnetting in and rlogging in, with no
luck. However, much of the slip connection was still functioning.
I was able to:
1. ping my machine
2. finger @my machine
3. use my emacs-19.22 window that was displayed on the Solaris machine.
I used the emacs window to launch a shell, and reboot my machine.
Then everything went fine, at least until I started building 940428
and ftping.
Email: | Brown University
PGP Key: finger | Dept of Computer Science